Was meine Kunden sagen
Karin war mir eine enorme Hilfe, als ich im Dunkeln tappte und keine Ahnung hatte, wohin ich gehen sollte.
Unter ihrer Anleitung habe ich verschiedene Bereiche meines Lebens angepasst. Sie gab mir Werkzeuge an die Hand, mit denen ich mich auf die Dinge konzentrieren konnte, die mir wirklich wichtig waren und die ich vorher irgendwie vernachlässigt hatte.
Ich finde nicht die richtigen Worte, um Karin zu danken und würde sie jedem empfehlen, der Zweifel hat, sich verloren fühlt oder nach Klarheit im Leben sucht.
The coaching session with Karin gave me a lot of clarity and security. It enabled me to get a new perspective on a difficult private situation. As a result, I was able to resolve an obstructive pattern and change my behavior in the long term. Many thanks Karin!
Karin is relatable, understanding and easy to talk with. I’ve always felt comfortable sharing details about myself with her, my goals, dreams and problems. My sessions with her have definitely increased my insight into myself as a person with a special focus on building love and compassion for myself and others, which has made me a happier, more relaxed person and has enhanced most aspects of my life, both professionally and personally.
In just one coaching session with Karin I was able to gain clarity and take some important decisions regarding my professional life. She was spot on and quickly detected my blockages. I admire her presence and empathy. The session felt surprisingly light and I immediately gained energy and clarity about my next steps.
I didn’t know that coaching can be so effective. Muchas gracias Karin!!!
In the workshop “Boundaries and Connection” I learned that we can and have to communicate our boundaries and requirements – also towards strangers. This creates clarity and is a win-win situation for everyone included.
I liked the openness of the other participants and the closeness we were able to create. The reached depth of the topic and the physical exercises were great.
Your workshop “Boundaries and Connection” is very inspiring. It showed me how important it is to communicate my boundaries and encouraged me to also communicate an uncomfortable “NO”.
Your workshop format is brilliant and I’ll join again for sure!
About the workshop “boundaries and connection” I liked the big focus on practical physical exercises, the interaction of the facilitators with the participants and the discussions/sharings which made us all benefit at most.
Many thanks for your beautiful “Stress Reduction” workshop. I’m very happy that I joined. It was great to try your awesome techniques, to get to know all the nice participants and see you act in your wonderful way. I use your stress reduction techniques regularly at work or at home, when I need to calm down and find some balance.
I feel fulfilled and connected.
When I met Karin I felt torn apart inside, lost track of what I wanted and what really mattered to me. As a coach Karin helped me to find balance and regain focus in life. She encouraged me to pursue my vision and dreams, no matter how big they are! With the help of different techniques she showed me how to believe in myself which was a key element to re-energize myself and simply be the best version of ME. With her international mindset and professional background, I see Karin as the perfect coach with a mix of both – Swiss efficiency and global perspective, business drive and spiritual grounding. Namaste.